Hello, Spring


I know that I say this about every single change of season, but right now I think Spring is my favourite. This time last year I was on the countdown to Sabine’s arrival. Spring changed for me that year. I think May might be one of the most beautiful months. Sunshine, not too hot, our world in full bloom. This is the first year that I’ve planted a garden from scratch. There is so much promise at this time of year.

My little Sabine Rose will be 1 year old in just over a month. She decided to check off a bunch of developmental milestones within a 2 week period; her first 2 teeth, clapping, crawling, moving from laying to sitting and then from sitting to standing with support (the couch is her favourite). And my personal favourite, playing peek-a-boo. She fancies herself a real riot (she’s right).


Right now I’m focusing on my garden, my new fitness routine (managing to get 3 work outs a week in) and planning a baby shower, Easter, wine club & a birthday party all in the next 30 days. I mean, why not!?

Here’s my spring list for 2019. Enjoy!